5 Tips for a Successful Thanksgiving Dinner


Hosting Thanksgiving dinner is a big milestone for many new homeowners, but all that cooking can seem like a daunting task to a first-timer. Luckily, we’ve got your back. Here we’ve gathered some tips for creating a stress-free Thanksgiving!

Start planning early (like, really early!)
Give yourself a month to come up with your menu. Make a shopping list of perishables and non-perishables and begin picking up items slowly throughout the month instead of running through the busy grocery store in a rush. If you’re planning on ordering a fresh turkey, or some pre-prepared side dishes (no shame!), get your order in weeks ahead of time.
Stick to the classics.
Save yourself some stress and avoid experimenting with new recipes on Thanksgiving morning. The classics are a classic for a reason!
Don’t turn down help.
Just because you’re hosting Thanksgiving dinner doesn’t mean all the responsibility has to fall on you. Think of it as a group effort! Divide and conquer by delegating some side dishes or desserts to family and friends. If you have some non-cooks in the group, ask them to bring items like whipped cream, napkins or even a store-bought pie!
And don’t forget to have fun!
The most important advice is to relax and enjoy being gathered with your loved ones. Remember to find moments of gratitude during this busy, messy and delicious holiday.
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